Global Aggies: Becoming a Global Learner
Rosh Ho
Major and Class Standing During Your Program
Computer Science, Freshman, International Student
Graduation Year
Program and Duration
Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Becoming a Global Learner Program, Virtual, Quarter-long
What led you to participate in your global learning program during your time at UC Davis?
The Becoming a Global Learner program was being promoted at the campus dorms along with many global learning opportunities available across UC Davis. The program sounded enticing to me because of the opportunity to talk to students from other countries and learn about their experiences and perspectives. I was also interested in learning how differences within cultures shape our perspectives.
What was your experience like in this program? What did you learn from your experience: interacting with other people and cultures; addressing global challenges; and/or developing global skills and leadership?
I really enjoyed the program! The program was well planned, taught about differences in perspectives between cultures, and facilitated a place for discussion for both sharing personal experiences and inquiring more about each others' experiences. The program also covered other interesting topics, such as conflict resolution and how different personalities deal with confrontation. Being able to talk to other students in a breakout room was also a great opportunity to meet other students and make new friends!
What was the most rewarding part of your program?
The most rewarding part of the program was definitely meeting other students from other schools. Hearing about other people's endeavors, challenges and life stories was the primary reason why I made such an effort to meet new people and explore new places and environments; this program achieves exactly that: you are placed into an environment full of interesting people who want to get to know you just as much as you want to get to know them.

What’s one of your most memorable experiences from your program?
The most memorable experience was hearing how different cultures dealt with conflict and the examples students shared from those cultures. One notable example was how Asian cultures, such as Japan, tend to be more conflict-avoidant and less confrontational, whereas Western cultures have a tendency of being more straightforward. Having now experienced both cultures, I can say that that is generally true, and now being more cognizant of this difference has allowed me to rethink how to approach situations in the States as opposed to how I would have approached them where I lived.
What advice do you have for someone considering your program or a global experience, in general? What would you like to share with students who may share similar identities or experiences as you?
I believe the Becoming a Global Learner program is definitely worth exploring because of the people you'll meet and the opportunity you'll have for gaining a greater understanding of yourself and other cultures.
How do you think your program experiences will benefit you in the future—thinking academically, future career goals, or personally?
The program enabled me to better describe to others the different experiences I was having as an international student at UC Davis. Projects like creating a personality identity wheel or privilege wheel really helped me become more self-aware. In addition, being able to hear from other students about their experiences from other cultures offered great insight into where they were coming from.
About the Global Learning Hub at UC Davis
As a part of Global Affairs, the Global Learning Hub aims to inspire global curiosity, understanding, and engagement.
Through the Global Learning Hub, every UC Davis student can find global learning opportunities available on campus, in the region, virtually, and internationally. The Hub offers global learning programs, workshops, and resources that enhance all UC Davis students’ academic and career pursuits through four broad areas of opportunities: Community Engagement; Global Skills and Leadership; Internships and Research; and Study Abroad. UC Davis is committed to preparing the next generation of global problem solvers and change makers. As such, we aim to prepare our undergraduate, graduate, and professional students to solve global challenges collaboratively, equitably, and sustainably.