Global Aggies: Global Education for All Fellow and Podcaster
Melody Sie
Major and Class Standing During Your Program
UC Davis Junior, International Relations Major, Community and Regional Development Minor
Program and Duration
Global Education for All Fellows and the Aggies Near and Far podcast; one year
What led you to participate in your global learning program during your time at UC Davis?
Coming in as a Global Education for All Fellow, I was looking forward to the opportunity to work alongside Global Affairs to implement programs that would have an effect on the campus with the support and guidance of academic administrators, faculty and graduate students, and would foster collaboration between fellow, like-minded, undergraduate students. All Global Education for All projects, including the one I worked on, are student-developed and student-led. For my project, I joined a small digital media team to work on the podcast Aggies Near and Far which promotes intercultural understanding and multicultural learning and advocacy. Podcast episodes are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher.
What was your experience like in this program? What did you learn from your experience?
I enjoyed the opportunity to meet monthly with the Global Education for All Fellows cohort and not only receive input about the project that I was working on, but also give input and provide feedback on other projects in the Global Education for All Fellows portfolio. Without this opportunity, I may not have been aware of all the student-led initiatives that were being developed with the help of Global Affairs and would not have taken advantage of going to their respective events, such as the Farming Around the World Symposium; nor would I have been able to network with respected colleagues and peers whom I, most likely, wouldn't have interacted with in such depth.
What was the most rewarding part of your program?
The biggest reward for me was when our first podcast was published across the various podcast platforms. To see the fruits of our labor and be a part of, from start to finish, a podcast production—from scripting, sound editing, and publishing—was exciting and new for me. I had never worked on a podcast before; I learned so much about the process and gained new skills I wouldn't have learned if not for the experience.
What’s one of your most memorable experiences from your program?
Through the Aggies Near and Far podcast experience and as an early member of the team, I was able to collaborate on many avenues the project sought to explore and help advertise our podcast through partnerships across social media. I felt valued as a team member and knew that my opinions, feedback and previous experiences helped shape the content produced thus far.
The first episode I helped release was on the topic of Filipino Americans, where one of the production managers interviewed her two Filipino housemates. In the episode, they discussed topics related to aspects of Filipino culture, favorite Filipino food, customs and traditions, and each interviewee revealed how they sought to personally integrate their Filipino identity and heritage within their career and personal aspirations.
What advice do you have for someone considering your program or a global experience, in general?
For those who want to see the impact through the projects on which they work, it is encouraging to note that change does not happen overnight; rather, sometimes change happens in small increments and may primarily make a difference through simple awareness in others. When crafting a project, surround yourself with experts and people knowledgeable on the topic with which you want to address. Receive their guidance and develop specific deliverables which you want to achieve through your project—keeping in mind realistic expectations, given the time and resources you have at your disposal. Lastly, gather people with a similar vision to yours and recruit them to be a part of your team to consistently work on that goal/project, as meaningful change seldom happens alone.
How do you think your program experiences will benefit you in the future—thinking academically, future career goals, or personally?
Speaking for myself, I am very grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this year's Global Education for All Fellows cohort and work on the Aggies Near and Far podcast. Being part of such a group has given me the experience of interacting in a multidisciplinary environment that works together to promote the achievement of sustainable development goals through various approaches and projects. I feel an increased sense of confidence that I can contribute to projects like Aggies Near and Far to further global learning and cultural competence and apply what I have learned in my role working within the Global Learning Hub as an Intercultural Programs Team assistant. I have gained practical skills in developing projects and feel proud of the work that we have done in order to highlight the experiences and voices of those from various cultural, ethnic and national backgrounds.
About the Global Learning Hub at UC Davis
Through the Global Learning Hub, each and every UC Davis student can find global learning opportunities available on campus, in the region, virtually, and internationally. The Hub offers global learning programs, workshops, and resources that enhance all UC Davis students’ academic and career pursuits through four broad areas of opportunities: Community Engagement; Global Skills and Leadership; Internships and Research; and Study Abroad. UC Davis is committed to preparing the next generation of global problem solvers and change makers. As such, we aim to prepare our undergraduate, graduate, and professional students to solve global challenges collaboratively, equitably, and sustainably.
As a part of Global Affairs, the Global Learning Hub aims to inspire global curiosity, understanding, and engagement.