Bio Sci 2A in Belgium
Michelle Igo

Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
I arrived at UC Davis in 1990 and have enjoyed working with undergraduates in both a classroom and a research setting. Currently, I am a professor in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs for the College of Biological Sciences. I received my Ph.D. from Harvard University and did my post-doctoral work at Princeton University. My scientific research has focused on understanding how microbes sense and respond to environmental cues under laboratory conditions and within a mammalian or plant host. The current focus of my research is developing tools and strategies to help instructors gain greater insight into how students are engaging with online content with the goal of improving learning. I am excited about participating in this summer’s BIS2A class in Ireland and about the opportunity to interact with a small group of students interested in studying biological processes.
A Message to Students and Parents
Bio Sci 2A is the first course in the introductory biology curriculum that covers the biochemical and molecular processes essential for life and the influence of living things on the chemistry of the Earth. Mastering the concepts covered in this course is essential for all students interested in careers in the life sciences and in professional programs, such as medicine, various health-related professions, agriculture, environmental studies and biological research. Students taking BIS 2A in Belgium will have the advantage of taking this class with a very small group of students and will receive the type of personal attention that is not possible in the big lecture format offered on the UC Davis campus. In addition to completing an important academic requirement for their majors, students will also receive credit for BIS198, a course that is associated with field trips for exploring the culture of Belgium. I am looking forward to interacting with the students, who choose to enroll in this study abroad program, and to participating in their discovery of the wonders of Belgium."