Global Management in the UK
Jerry Lundblad

Agricultural and Resource Economics
My vocation has been as a consultant which I have found rewarding. But my avocation as a university lecturer is what really keeps me going. I have done both for over 40 years, so I have lots of stories. I have a UC undergraduate degree in economics and an MBA from Sacramento State. For the past 18 years, I have taught an organization management class at UC Davis as well as an occasional class in corporate finance, supply chain management, and optimization modeling. I have worked in the global setting in Russia, Australia, the South Pacific, and Mexico.
A Message to Students and Parents
Who am I? A native Californian. Live in San Francisco. Spent part of my life officiating small college football and collegiate rugby. I sit on the board of trustees of a large senior housing facility sponsored by my church in San Francisco. Along the way, I have always taught a few university classes while I worked as a consultant for both large and small firms. And over the years, I have seen the benefits to students of international programs: career focus, world view, life-time friends. So, when the opportunity to participate in the program was available, I wanted to become involved."